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Sport Premium 2023-25

The Department for Education has confirmed that the Primary PE and Sport Premium will continue for the next 2 academic years (2023-24, 2024 -25)

Maintained schools, including those that convert to academies, MUST publish, on their website, information about their effective and sustainable use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding. The reporting deadline for this current academic year is 31st July 2023 but we strongly recommend that you update it regularly.

Schools must publish the amount of Primary PE and Sport Premium received for this year 2022-23; a full breakdown of how it has been spent (or will be spent); what impact the school has seen on pupils’ Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity, participation and attainment and how the improvements will be sustainable in the future.

Head Teachers, Subject Leaders and Governors will be able to use this simple reporting mechanism to ensure they are grant compliant in demonstrating effective use of the grant to achieve a sustainable impact.

Download the latest Reporting Tool by clicking HERE

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement in through use of the School Sport Premium funding. Click HERE to download these indicators.

1 Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and School Sport.
  KESSP has a range of staff CPD opportunities within our buy in programme and sport specific CPD opportunities.
2 Engaging all pupils in regular physical activity.
  KESSP can help schools engage all pupils in regular physical activity through our events, festivals and projects, focused on 60 active minutes.
3 The profile of PE and School Sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
  KESSP can support schools to raise the profile of school sport in their schools by providing a wide range of oppotunitites and experiences for pupils and supporting key stakeholders.
4 Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to pupils.
  KESSP offers a range of activities through our coaching and after school provision as well as a wide range of competitions in a variety of sports.
5 Increased participation in competitive sport.
  KESSP believes in competitive sport for all.Our offer caters for all pupils in our wide range of activities throughout the year.


New Digital Reporting Tool

As announced on 19th July 2023, there will be a new Primary PE and Sport Premium digital reporting tool for schools. This digital tool will capture details on how a school has used its PE and Sport Premium and the impact it has had on achieving the aims and objectives of the funding.

The information gathered will include:

  • Figures on the overall spend
  • What the funding has been spent on
  • Whether there is any unspent funding
  • Swimming and water safety attainment
  • The DfE will pilot the digital tool for the academic year 2023 to 2024. It will be a mandatory requirement for schools to complete it from the 2024 to 2025 academic year.

The digital tool will provide a further measure of accountability and will help identify any non-compliant spending of the PE and sport premium. The DfE intend on launching the tool in May/June 2024. They will send information to schools closer to this date, including details of training sessions on how to complete the digital form. In the meantime, please use the existing reporting template, linked above.