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Primary News

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  • 26/01/23

    Paget Primary Scoop Athletics Title

    This week saw the last of four athletics events across the partnership, as the year 3+4 athletics took to the track and field. We were extremely impressed by the standard from all the athletes who showed determination and passion throughout. In a very close event, the final standings were as follows...
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  • 23/01/23

    Incredibles Shooting Stars Festival

    This week saw our first ever Primary Shooting Stars festival. Girls were invited to take part in an Incredibles themed festival as part of the Girls Football Partnership work we are involved in.  All the girls completed Incredible themed missions and showed great teamwork and determination. Wel...
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  • 19/01/23

    Paget Primary Run, Jump and Throw for Success

    January saw our annual Year 5+6 sports hall athletics event take place and Nechells Wellbeing Centre. Young people from across the partnership came to compete in running, throwing and jumping events, with the overall winner progressing to the county finals on 30th March at the University of Birmingh...
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  • 18/12/22

    Barclays Girls Football Inspiration Winners

    KESSP and Central School Sport Partnership recently hosted a Primary Girls World Cup event at Power League in Birmingham. We loved to see so many teams participating, having fun and being physical active. During the event, we asked girls to write down what had inspired them to play football...
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  • 18/12/22

    James Watt Primary win Personal Challenge

    The Autumn Term saw the launch of our Personal Challenge series. We will be launching one challenge every term to celebrate sport, physical activity and Physical Education. This term, we asked pupils to write about a favourite sports event or memory. We were blown away by the standard of the entries...
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  • 14/12/22

    The Oval Sweep to Kurling Title

    This term saw over 300 young people take part in our year 3/4 virtual knurling league. We have really enjoyed turning partnership schools and delivering this exciting sport.  We were very impressed with the teamwork and passion shown at each school - well done to all the young people who have t...
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  • 05/12/22

    The Oval and King Solomon Win Girls World Cup Event

    Last week saw our first ever girls World Cup event at Power League. We had 26 teams take part across 2 events and saw lots of skill, passion and determination on display. Teams were allocated into groups and played in four keenly contested mini leagues. We had so much fun watching you play! After th...
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  • 13/11/22

    Moor Hall Primary Win Talent Show

    November saw the first ever Talent Show for the partnership, alongside Wilson Stuart and Central Sport Partnership. Schools form all three areas showcased their talents at Sutton Town Hall. Many thanks to our judges from Sport Birmingham and KDDK Dance. We thoroughly enjoyed watching all the acts an...
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  • 10/08/22

    School Games Mark Success

    Congratulations to all our partnership schools who achieved a School Games Mark this year. We are really proud of the progress that has been made by all our schools who have put PE, School Sport and Physical Education at the heart of their school. For the first time ever, we have 4 secondary scho...
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  • 05/04/22

    Nechells Primary Win Kurling Title

    Many thanks to all the schools who have taken part in our Kurling Roadshow this term. Over 520 young people took part in a very close league from January to April. A huge thank you to staff and schools for allowing on your school sites to deliver this exciting sport to your 3/4 pupils. Our top th...
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  • 23/03/22

    Paget Dance to Victory

    We were really excited to see the amazing talent at our Dance Festival this year. The Primary competition was hosted at Prince Albert High School - many thanks to the staff at the school for such a warm welcome. Students from George Dixon Academy and St Paul's Girls School also attending the...
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  • 22/03/22

    Gymnastics Success for The Oval Primary School

    Our gymnastics competition took place on March `16th at Lozells Primary school. Pupils had to perform a routine on the floor and the vault in front of our judges from Positive PE. The event was completed by all the pupils in a very positive and supportive environment.  Congratulations to all...
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